Building Resilience and Self-Esteem

In the last few years we have moved away from a strict authoritarian approach to parenting.  The US has embraced giving kids a little more control while, at the same time, we became overprotective and controlling in a different manner.  In this episode Lauren discusses how other cultures breed resilience and self-esteem in their children and how we can use their methods to raise our own resilient and self-confident kids.

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A Silent Epidemic: Mental Health Crisis in Education

There is a silent epidemic in schools and isn’t among the students. Teachers are experiencing burnout, stress, and job dissatisfaction at high rates. Teaching has become the most stressful profession. And, teachers are leaving the profession in record numbers for better pay and more personal time. Today Lauren takes a deep dive into the mental health crisis among teachers.

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Overcoming Test Taking Anxiety

Today’s topic comes from a listener question.

“With your expertise on the brain, I’m wondering if you have any wisdom about how I can advise someone who says they just aren’t a good test-taker?

I’ve tried to read up on test anxiety, and I know the research says the best thing is to know the material and be prepared. However, some students say there is such a great amount of material to study, they cannot keep it in their brain. Do you have any advice as to a good approach for studying a large amount of material? And… how to approach that test (to reduce anxiety)?”

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Why is my Child Anxious and How Can I Help?

Before the pandemic a study concluded that 20% of Americans suffered from anxiety. Post-pandemic, the number is probably much higher. Anxious people are stuck thinking about the future and being fearful of the unknown.For the same reason, anxious kids tend to be ritualistic.

Lauren walks you through 5 things to know about anxiety, including the genetic link, physical symptoms that come along with anxiety, and a long list of ways to help your anxious kiddo.

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Are Schools Failing our Kids?

In today’s episode, Lauren asserts that schools are failing our kids.

She looks at this through the lens of “You have to Maslow before you can Bloom.” This means that before children can learn, they must have their basic needs fulfilled which are described in Abraham Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs.

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