Posts in 5 Needs
Are Schools Failing our Kids?

In today’s episode, Lauren asserts that schools are failing our kids.

She looks at this through the lens of “You have to Maslow before you can Bloom.” This means that before children can learn, they must have their basic needs fulfilled which are described in Abraham Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs.

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Control - Third of the 5 Needs Areas

Think about it. How much control do kids really have over their daily activities? Likely 90% of adult communication with kids is directive or authoritative. Wake up, get out of bed, brush your teeth, put on these clothes, get on the school bus, eat your dinner, etc. When someone has little control over their life, it ignites the stress response system. A constant lack of control causes the NEED for control to grow.

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Relationships and the Need to Feel Connected – Second of the 5 Needs Areas

The second of the 5 Needs Areas is the attachment and relationship need. This is the need to feel connected, that you belong to a group. The groups could be a family system, a school system, or a classroom.

When kids are lacking in this need area, they will seek ways to connect and belong. For example, a child may be overly kind and loving or needy.

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