Are Schools Failing our Kids?

Season 2 - Episode 36

In today’s episode, Lauren asserts that schools are failing our kids. She looks at this through the lens of “You have to Maslow before you can Bloom.” This means before children can learn, they must have their basic needs fulfilled which are described in Abraham Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. Benjamin Bloom created three hierarchical models which classify educational learning objectives. However, if the basic needs aren’t met then a student will never reach Bloom’s learning objectives. 

One of the most important needs humans have is developing relationships with other people. Creating a relationship with a person is the most powerful form of reward. Connectedness to other people is linked to better mental health and behavioral outcomes. Lauren goes into detail on the power of creating strong relationships with your students and children. 

Lauren answers this week’s listener question during the episode:  What are different ways to handle the challenging behaviors I’m seeing after COVID? 

Try-at-home tip: Craniosacral Therapy

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