Why is Self-Care So Important?

Think of self-care as preventative stress management.

Imagine being so in tune with your emotional state and moods that you could actually change them. Thanks to neuroscience, we know it’s possible. Self-care is a learned skill. It takes time, practice, commitment, resilience, and hard work to put a good self-care routine in place.

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Does Food Affect Mood?

This episode is all about food and gut health….and how it affects your brain and your mood.

Processed food, high sugar intake, added hormones, and pesticides all affect your digestive system. Your gut biome cannot break those down easily, which disrupts the bacteria in your gut. Your gut has a direct line to your brain, so this disruption affects your brain and mood.

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Consider Sound in Room Design: How it affects focus and learning.

This series discusses various design elements and how they impact stress, productivity, attention, and behavior. A study by Cornell University found that chronic noise caused stress in children. The body and the brain are in tune to things nearby, including sound. The brain expends energy processing those sounds, which takes away from focus and attention for learning.

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