Why is Self-Care So Important?

Season 1 - Episode 33

Think of self-care as preventative stress management. 

In this episode, Lauren talks about why it’s important to practice self-care preventatively and not just as a reaction to a current state or situation.

Imagine being so in tune with your emotional state and moods that you could actually change them. Thanks to neuroscience, we know it’s possible. Self-care is a learned skill. It takes time, practice, commitment, resilience, and hard work to put a good self-care routine in place. 

Lauren discusses how working in the education field has made her realize that stress and overwhelm are a given, and burnout isn’t taken seriously. Teacher burnout rates are high with 40% to 50% of teachers leaving the profession within the first five years of teaching.

In this situation, it can be difficult to pay attention to your own needs, your own emotional state, and then work on preventative measures. 

Remember, self-care is NOT selfish. It’s in YOUR best interest as well as everyone around you. Make sure to have everything YOU need, since you can’t pour from an empty cup. 

A self-care daily routine helps you recognize your limits, set boundaries, and be more aware of your emotional state. It also helps you strive for balance in all areas of your life. Having a routine enables you to set realistic boundaries and priorities while helping feel your best and function at your most optimal level. 

We are living in an over-stimulated world. Many are overworked and exhausted. Mismanagement of stress happens to the best of us. You are not alone! 

Tune in to the next few episodes where we discuss how to determine your personality type, understand your core values, and how to implement the type of self-care routine that will work best for YOU.

Lauren answers this week’s listener question during the episode:
What are some good strategies to help staff stay regulated when a child is dysregulated?

Try-at-home tip:  Pretend what objects can be. 


Links to items mentioned during this podcast:
View the Self-Care Continuum mentioned in this podcast.

Other related resources from The Behavior Hub
Blog Post: 
What is self-care & why is it important?
Self-Care: Filling Up Your Own Cup
Progressive Muscle Relaxation for Kids (& Adults!)

Our Online Courses: 
Self-care: filling up your own cup
From Wild Emotions to Tamed Feelings – How to Self-Regulate (5 Needs Areas)

Are you struggling with behaviors and not sure where to begin? Let me help!
Schedule a free discovery call and let me be your Guide.

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