How Personality Type Affects Your Self-Care Routine

Season 1 - Episode 35

This episode is one of Lauren’s favorite topics: Personality Profiling and how it relates to Self-Care.

How you live and feel is often shaped by your personality and values in life. Understanding yourself opens the door to know what motivates you and helps you live a satisfying life, both internally and externally. Also, knowing yourself makes decisions and what actions to take much easier. 

Lauren discusses several options for learning your personality profile, including: 

To show how this information can be helpful, Lauren discusses some of her own personality profiles. She has discovered she feels most aligned when helping others. Knowing her profile has also helped her design a stress-management routine. 

Lauren discusses the steps to self-discovery, which include: 

STEP 1: Find your personality type.
STEP 2: Use that information to create routines and habits.
STEP 3: Schedule regular time for reflection. 

We have to know who we are to be able to make decisions that feel good, are right for us personally, and to find true happiness. 


Lauren answers this week’s listener question during the episode:
How do I work with educators to recognize behaviors as a symptom of a need?

Try-at-home tip:  Spend time in natural light.

Other related resources from The Behavior Hub
Blog Post:
Know Thyself: Initial Steps for a Self-Care Practice
Tying Self-Care Practices to Your Values
5 Reasons Behaviors Occur
Why Behavior Occurs - The 5 Needs Areas

Our Online Courses: 
Self-care: filling up your own cup
From Wild Emotions to Tamed Feelings – How to Self-Regulate (5 Needs Areas)

Are you struggling with behaviors and not sure where to begin? Let me help!
Schedule a free discovery call and let me be your Guide.

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