Many of us are already stressed out with work, taking care of family, and all the other life things. Then, your child says something that hurts your feelings. Part of the “I feel…..” strategy is having a healthy conversation with your kiddo about how YOU feel.
Read MoreWhen problems come up or children misbehave, effective communication is key to changing the situation. Can writing a note to a child with good old pen and paper be effective? It sure can!
Read MoreYou find dirty clothes all over your kiddo’s bedroom floor. Do you respond with giving information or instructions? And…which is better? What you say and how you say it can make all the difference.
Read MoreDo you find yourself talking, lecturing, or repeating yourself to your kiddos? Resulting in getting annoyed and then raising your voice or yelling? Stress! How about a new strategy?
Read MoreGetting kids to communicate. We all use so many strategies to try and motivate our children to talk with us. We do our best to ensure we capture their interest so they participate. Here's another strategy to add to your tool belt!
Read MoreCommunication is a two-way street. As we talk with kiddos, we are also teaching them how to talk with others. When it comes to teaching kids communication skills, the younger the better!
Read MoreGreat communication with your children results in stronger relationships, greater cooperation, and feelings of worth and value. Try using this strategy!
Read MoreCommunication is 70-90% nonverbal. Body language and tone of voice communicate much more than words alone. You might think your kiddo is not listening, but they are definitely observing your body language!
Read MoreLauren explains what adults can do to neutralize strong emotions when feeling stress and overwhelm ……or how to gain energy when feeling down and unmotivated. Many options are shared, and many of them are free!
Read MoreLauren discusses the Parasympathetic Nervous System (PNS), the “rest and digest” part of our brain. The PNS helps balance us out, get our rest and digest our food.
Read MoreLauren interviews Alyssa Mairanz, Owner/Executive Director of Empower Your Mind Therapy, a group therapy practice in NY City. Lauren asks Alyssa MANY of the questions her listeners and clients have asked, like “What can you teach kids to help prevent breakdowns?”
Read MoreIn this episode, Lauren discusses the Sympathetic Nervous System (SNS) and how it keeps us safe. The SNS is the “Fight or Flight” part of your brain. It’s the pathway we use to respond to danger, which means it keeps us safe. This is a good thing!
Read MoreEmotion Regulation: The ability to exert control over one's own emotional state.
If only it was as easy as it sounds!
Read MoreWhat is the brain’s hypothalamus? Lauren likes to call it the Cortisol Control Hub. Cortisol is a hormone released when you are stressed. The brain and stress have a complex relationship, but the good news is you’ve got some level of control.
Read MoreEver wondered why a scent or certain food triggers a memory of something that happened long ago? That’s the hippocampus in action! It stores things like spatial memories (surroundings & environment) as well as declarative memories (facts & events). An example of declarative memories are things learned in school!
Read MoreIn this episode, Lauren talks about the Amygdala. This part of your brain is TINY but oh my… is MIGHTY!
The Amygdala is the emotional decision maker of your brain. Its job is to protect you at all costs.
Read MoreIn this episode, Lauren talks about how to teach your kiddos about the emotional brain and its functions by using a hand signal developed by Dr. Dan Siegel.
Read MoreLauren interviews her money coach, Elizabeth Ralph. Through their work together, Lauren has changed her deep core beliefs about money and has made big changes in her life.
Read MoreIn this three-part series, Lauren talks about parts of the brain that most relate to emotions and behavior. This episode is about the Brainstem, often referred to as the Reptilian Brain, the Primal Brain, or the Fight or Flight area. Find out how this part of the brain is involved with processing emotions and affecting behavior.
Read MoreLauren has an in-depth conversation with Matthew Davidoff, High School ESL Teacher, University of Pennsylvania Adjunct Faculty, and Freelance Education Consultant. Matthew’s passion is driven by his extreme curiosity about a world where educational equity exists. That world is possible in a well-funded, private school but not in many public schools. His goal is to be a teacher that inspires every student to be a learner.
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