Improve Communication: Information instead of Instructions
Season 2 - Episode 15
You find dirty clothes all over your kiddo’s bedroom floor. What do you say? And how do you say it? Information gives your child facts about something and helps them to make a decision. Instructions are about telling your child what to do. A blunt, straightforward order with no option for discussion. Which is better?
Lauren discusses the fifth of her “7 Disarming Communication Tactics” in this episode: the “Giving Information” Strategy. This strategy is all about giving your kiddo information about what is needed and not instructions (AKA “giving orders”). This option gives them a chance to be in control of the situation instead of being told what to do. The body’s stress response system REALLY likes that!
Lauren provides tips on how to use this strategy effectively. One of the most important tips…..give them time to process what you just said. They need a few seconds or a minute to take in the information and solve the problem you just presented.
Remember –
When making changes like this, give both yourself and your kiddos some grace. YOU are learning a new “language”, and THEY need time to understand it.
Mentioned in this episode:
Pneumonic for the 7 Communication Tactics: SCHWINF
Lauren answers this week’s listener question during the episode:
How do you manage your own stress when around challenging behaviors?
Try-at-home tip: Add more plants to your house or classroom!
Other related resources from The Behavior Hub:
Blog Post:
Improve Communication: Information instead of Instructions
Improve Communication by Giving Kids Choices
What is self-care & why is it important?
Why Behaviors Occur - The 5 Needs Areas
Our Online Courses:
From Conflict to Calm: Communicating so kids listen the FIRST time
Self-care: filling up your own cup
Do you have a question? I can answer it in a future episode!
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