Emotion Regulation using the Top-Down or Bottom-Up Approach

Season 2 - Episode 5

Emotion Regulation:
The ability to exert control over one's own emotional state.

If only it was as easy as it sounds!

Emotions are controlled and processed at an unconscious level or “bottom” of the brain. We become more aware of this fact when we strengthen the Thinking Brain or “top” of the brain. A dual approach (top-down and bottom-up) deals with underlying issues and has more lasting results.

Top Down
The first step is to strengthen the Thinking Brain where logic and reason live.

Activities such as mindfulness, meditation, and yoga help to slow down our bodies and brains. This helps us to calm down, reduce stress, and increase concentration.

Bottom Up
The Barking Dog part of the brain is where emotions live and is in charge of keeping us safe.
It’s responsible for emotional control, memories, learning, and the “fight or flight” reaction.

To help regulate from this part of the brain, we need movement, breathwork, and human touch to be part of our daily routine.

Lauren explains both Top Down and Bottom Up approaches and why to practice both preventatively. Be sure to listen in and check out the related blog posts below.

Lauren answers this week’s listener question during the episode:
Since I work in a preschool room, I often wonder what behaviors I should ignore and when to give a gentle nudge or urging.  

Try-at-home tip: Salt deprivation tank

Mentioned in this episode: Insight Timer app

Other related resources from The Behavior Hub:
Blog Post: 
Emotion Regulation with the Top-Down or Bottom-Up Approach
Thinking Brain: The Wise Owl
Emotional Brain: The Barking Dog
Reptilian Brain: Better known as the Brainstem

Our Online Courses: 
From Wild Emotions to Tamed Feelings – How to Self-Regulate (5 Needs Areas)

 Are you struggling with behaviors and not sure where to begin? Let me help!
Schedule a free discovery call and let me be your Guide.

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