Meet the Decision Maker of your Emotional Brain: The Amygdala

Season 2 - Episode 2

In this episode, Lauren talks about the Amygdala. This part of your brain is TINY but oh my… is MIGHTY! 

The Amygdala is the emotional decision maker of your brain. Its job is to protect you at all costs. Whenever we face strong emotions like anger or fear, the Amygdala believes we are in danger and sounds the alarm. This misinterpretation puts your Thinking Brain on hold. The "stress threat” triggers more impulsive reactions instead of the rational, logical thinking that we use throughout our day. 

During stressful moments, it happens like this:

  • Sense danger.

  • Get disconnected from rational thinking.

  • Shift to impulsive reactions (fight, flight, freeze, or fawn).

  • Lose connection with the Thinking Brain – logic, reason, memory, self-regulation.

This reaction makes it difficult to do ANY of these: 

  • Focus.

  • Control impulses.

  • Remember instructions.

  • Make smart decisions.

Everyone’s Amygdala works the same way, so no one is at fault when it happens.

The key is learning how to counteract the Amygdala’s alarm, which Lauren talks about in this episode as well as the blog post linked below! 


Lauren answers this week’s listener question during the episode:
What do I do with a child who is refusing to do school work or even go to school?

Try-at-home tip: Spend 9 minutes of undivided attention a day with your kiddo

Other related resources from The Behavior Hub

Blog Post: 
The Decision Maker of your Emotional Brain: Introducing the Amygdala
Thinking Brain: The Wise Owl
Emotional Brain: The Barking Dog
Reptilian Brain: Better known as the Brainstem

Our Online Courses: 
From Wild Emotions to Tamed Feelings – How to Self-Regulate (5 Needs Areas)  

Are you struggling with behaviors and not sure where to begin? Let me help!
Schedule a free discovery call and let me be your Guide.

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