Positive Communication: Try Some Humor

Season 2 - Episode 13

Getting kids to communicate. We all use so many strategies to try and motivate our children to talk with us. We do our best to ensure we capture their interest so they participate. Here's another strategy to add to your tool belt! 

Lauren discusses the third of her “7 Disarming Communication Tactics” in this episode: the “Humor” Strategy. Lauren talks about how humor can be used to improve communication between you and your kiddo…all while neutralizing the stress response system. 

Using humor has been shown to have these positive effects:

  • Adds joy and happiness to our lives.

  • Generates optimism.

  • Increases confidence, self-esteem, and enthusiasm.

  • Reduces stress levels.

  • Helps us enjoy life’s playful aspects.

  • Helps people accept and handle differences better.

  • Helps kids deal with childhood adversities (teasing, changing schools, moving)

  • Develops critical thinking skills, communication skills, and creativity.

The BEST part of using humor in communication………it takes us from the Emotional Brain (IE kiddo having meltdown) into the logic and rational part of the Thinking Brain. Once kids are in their “logic and reason” part of the brain, we can again guide and redirect them. 

We all can appreciate some humor now and then. Many of us are not natural comedians, though. Lauren talks about how to easily add in humor when talking to kids of all ages. 

Remember –
When making changes like this, give both yourself and your kiddos some grace. YOU are learning a new “language”, and THEY need time to understand it. 

Mentioned in this episode:
Pneumonic for the 7 Communication Tactics: SCHWINF

Lauren answers this week’s listener question during the episode:
How do you best figure out the need or root cause of why a child is behaving badly or what triggers the behavior?

Try-at-home tip: White space.

Other related resources from The Behavior Hub:
Blog Post:
Positive Communication: Try Some Humor
Improve Communication by Giving Kids Choices
5 Reasons Behaviors Occur

Why Behaviors Occur - The 5 Needs Areas

Our Online Courses:
From Conflict to Calm: Communicating so kids listen the FIRST time
From Wild Emotions to Tamed Feelings – How to Self-Regulate (5 Needs Areas)
Classroom Design with the Brain in Mind

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