A 5-Category Regulation Framework - Five Ives!

Season 4- Episode 34

In this episode, Lauren explores the "Five Ives" framework, a powerful tool for understanding and navigating emotional regulation. She explains how each stage—from *Survive* to *Hive*—represents a natural response to life's challenges and emphasizes that no stage is inherently negative. While certain stages are best not to linger in, they are all part of the biological journey. 

Lauren shares her own story of moving through these stages, drawing from past trauma and offers practical guidance for identifying your current stage and working towards the stages you aspire to reach.

If you haven't already, check out Five Ives to see how strategies like this can be applied to adults, especially in the workplace. Five Ives works with staff in high burnout jobs to help them incorporate regulation strategies into their daily routines.

Try-at-home tip:  Double regulate. If you're in Survive or feel like you're struggling - try combining 2 regulating activities. 

Other related resources from The Behavior Hub: 

Five Ives Website

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