Listener Questions!

Season 2 - Episode 21

In this episode, Lauren answers listener questions. She’s chosen from a selection of questions sent in by listeners and through her social media channels. 

Today's Questions

  • How to stop the meltdown before it happens?

  • What is causing the emotion and the function of the behavior?

  • When do you give up control?

These questions lead to discussions on the zones of regulations, the 5 needs all humans have, communication, and how to give up control.  

Mentioned in this episode: 
Zones of Regulation Poster
Book: Hunter, Gather, Parent

Try-at-home tip: Finding clean, organic foods can be expensive. Try CSAs, Misfits Market, Imperfect Foods, and your local farmer’s market for cheaper alternatives. 

Other related resources from The Behavior Hub: 

Blog Post: 
5 Reasons Behaviors Occur
Improve Communication: Information instead of Instructions

5 Needs - Decoding Unwanted Behaviors
5 Needs: Control
Communication: The "I See" Strategy

From Conflict to Calm: How to communicate with kids so they listen the FIRST time!
From Wild Emotions to Tamed Feelings: How to Self-Regulate
Stress, Trauma, and Behaviors, Oh My!

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