Building Confidence in Kids
Season 2 - Episode 22
Lauren interviews Nellie Harden, a Family Life & Leadership Coach, focusing on girls age eight through the teenage years. Their discussion includes why Nellie started this line of work, what teens are struggling with now, the Great Transition, assessing your core values for your family, social media, perfectionism and self-esteem.
Try-at-home tip: Drop the rope!
Nelli’s Recommendations:
Books by Lisa Damour
Books By Brene Brown
The Parent Compass
Lauren’s Recommendation: Wabi Sabi: Japanese Wisdom for a Perfectly Imperfect Life
How to Contact Nellie:
Ignite Her Joy Workshop: 5 Steps to Grow Your Daughter’s Self-Esteem During the Tween and Teen Years
Family Architects Club
Instagram: @nellieharden
About Nellie Harden:
Nellie is a Family Life & Leadership Coach who focuses on helping parents eliminate power struggles with their daughters and help them grow into confident, wise, and respectful young women that are actually ready for the world!
She is a wife and mom to 4 daughters, author, speaker and podcaster, homeschooling parent and adventure chaser. She has a degree in biology and psychology and a diverse behavior background from humpback whales in the South Pacific to teens and parents in homes across the world. She believes in a life of intention and making dreams and goals realities. She knows that they best way to help the world is through one living room at a time!
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