Nature's Role in Nervous System Regulation

Season 4- Episode 49

 In this episode, Lauren explores the powerful connection between nature and nervous system regulation. Spending time outdoors can lower cortisol levels, activate the vagus nerve, improve heart rate variability, and heighten sensory awareness. 

 Lauren shares practical ways to incorporate nature into daily life, even with a busy schedule. Simple habits like taking your morning coffee outside, finding green spaces for micro-nature breaks, and engaging your senses by walking barefoot on grass or listening to birds can have a significant impact. 

If you haven't already, check out Five Ives to see how strategies like this can be applied to adults, especially in the workplace. Five Ives works with staff in high burnout jobs to help them incorporate regulation strategies into their daily routines.

Try it at home tip: Find one way to incorporate nature into your routine and notice how it feels after you've done it a few times.


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