The Power of Cold Exposure: How the Cold Can Calm Your Nervous System
Season 4- Episode 47
In this episode, Lauren continues to explore ways to reset the nervous system. Today, she talks specifically about using cold exposure to activate the vagus nerve to promote calm and build resilience. She shares a handful of cold exposure methods and suggests starting small and focusing on controlled breathing and finding a place of calm. Under 5 minutes of cold exposure provides the most benefit!
If you haven't already, check out Five Ives to see how strategies like this can be applied to adults, especially in the workplace. Five Ives works with staff in high burnout jobs to help them incorporate regulation strategies into their daily routines.
Try at Home Tip: Try one of the cold exposure options Lauren discussed!
Other related resources from The Behavior Hub:
Blog Post:
Polyvagal Theory- What in the world is it and why should I care?
The Link Between Technology and Nervous System Dysregulation
Our Online Courses:
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