How to Teach Based on What We Know About the Brain (pt. 1)

Season 3: Episode 24

This episode switches gears a bit in order to focus on how to teach people to listen, attend, engage, learn and remember. There are 5 steps to this: 

  • Pre-exposure: covertly preparing students for future learning of content. This is done days, weeks or even months ahead of the teaching.

  • Preview: this involves setting the stage for the content minutes or hours ahead. 

  • Priming:  introducing words, concepts, or skills in advance then coming back to those moments before you teach. 

  • Review: Going over what students learned.

  • Revision: Reconstructing the learning. Correcting errors. Reteaching

Today Lauren reviews each of these steps in depth and gives examples on how to apply this in your life and teaching. 

Lauren answers this week’s listener question during the episode: How has COVID affected stress in our kids?

Try-at-home tip:  Recognizing the 12 signs of high anxiety

Other related resources from The Behavior Hub: 

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