Who we can help most...and who we can't.
Our goal is Emotion Regulation.
At The Behavior Hub, we teach children how to manage their strong emotions, eat foods that develop the brain, and use exercise to calm the nervous system.
At the same time, we teach adults how to respond to these emotions, get kids to eat real food, and promote healthy exercise...all in a natural way!
We teach everyone how to "get to neutral" using brain research.
We think a little differently about kid’s behavior.
When a child has unwanted behaviors, our thought process is:
1. What is the underlying unmet need?
2. Let's find a way to meet that need, and get the behaviors to go away.
Who can we help most?
We often get mind-blowing results for…
Looking for answers to challenging behaviors and ready to change what they do.
Ready to pull their hair out, tried many “solutions”, and challenging behavior persists.
People who work with children
Want to learn why challenging behaviors occur, and what to do in response to them.
Who we cannot help.
We aren’t the best fit for people who...
Are not curious or open to trying new things.
We think human biology and the non-western ideology are the way to go!
Some may whole-heartedly agree, and others may feel like our approach is “out there”.
Are not committed and invested in growth, transformation, and different ways of parenting and educating children.
Our overall philosophy about behavior is:
1. Behavior stems from an unmet need.
2. Medication is not the answer.
3. There are no quick fixes.
What you can expect from us.
At The Behavior Hub, we do our absolute BEST to share useful, relevant, researched, and creative new strategies.
We've also put our heart and soul into creating several learning tools. We do hope you find them life changing!
Sign on to work with us, and our ongoing support will help you get the results you’re looking for.